Rooted In Her

As a Christian, my approach to birth is with faith-based values. However, it is not my role to judge you as a mother or as a partner. But to give love and support as Jesus would have.

Free Welcome Home Baby Sessions on all local adoptions.


Serving Families Across Northwest & Central Ohio and Northeast Indiana

What is a Christian doula?

A Christian doula is a compassionate individual who provides information, emotional and physical support for a woman during pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum period as well as incorporating our love for the Lord

Why birth photography?

We photograph big events in our lives. Weddings, anniversaries, and other celebrations. And the birth of your child is also a beautiful, momentous occasion that marks one of the biggest days of your life. The strongest you will ever see a woman, is when she is giving birth. But it is also when you meet your baby for the first time. During this time you will be full of emotions, including stress and joy. At the end of it all there are things you just aren't going to remember. It's so important to be able to look back and see what you looked like when you met your baby for the first time. For you to see what your partner's reaction was, or how your baby looked in those first minutes.

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